Operational Research In Engineering Sciences: Theory And Applications

The Operational Research In Engineering Sciences: Theory And Applications is an open access journal publishes research related to operational research, engineering, optimization methods, stochastic models, mathematical programming. The ISSN of the journal is 2620-1607, 2620-1747. Through this web page, researchers can check the indexing, publication fee, journal quartile, and journal aim & scope.

Operational Research In Engineering Sciences: Theory And Applications: Details

Journal TitleOperational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications
PublisherRegional Association for Security and crisis management, Belgrade, Serbia
Publication CountrySerbia
Publication AreaTechnology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering
Publication LanguageEnglish
Review ProcessDouble anonymous peer review
Publication Time15 weeks
Scopus IndexedYes

Publication Fee

There is a fee to publish in the Operational Research In Engineering Sciences: Theory And Applications. The publication fee is 1000 GBP.

Journal Official Website

The official website of the journal is https://oresta.rabek.org/index.php/oresta. Please visit only official website of the journal to submit research papers.

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